Xcode – This app has attempted to access privacy-sensitive data without a usage description.
Xcode - This app has attempted to access privacy-sensitive data without a usage description.
Xcode – Unlock iPhone to Continue,iPhone is locked.
Xcode – Unlock iPhone to Continue,iPhone is locked. 1.断开设备和Mac的连接(拔线) 2.重启Xcode(完全关闭后,再次打开本项目) 3.连接设备和Mac(插线) 4.运行 5.若出现信任设备弹框,选...
Xcode – Xcode13 The Legacy Build System will be removed in a future release
Xcode – Xcode13 The Legacy Build System will be removed in a future release - The Legacy Build System will be removed in a future release. You can configure the selected build sys...
Xcode – Mac CocoaPods 更新到最新版本
Xcode – Mac CocoaPods 更新到最新版本 - 1.查看当前 CocoaPods 版本 pod --version 2.更新 CocoaPods 版本到最新 1.pod setup 2.sudo gem install cocoapods //或使用sudo gem install -n /us...
Xcode – The application’s Info.plist does not contain CFBundleShortVersionString
The application's Info.plist does not contain CFBundleShortVersionString
Xcode – Xcode replace 使用正则表达式替换文字
Xcode replace使用正则表达式替换文字,Xcode replace,Xcode replace正则表达式,Xcode replace替换文字,object-c,猿说编程,